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Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Super Bowl for Me, It's Writing Time

The Good, The Bad and The Writing

The Good

I don't know how to narrow this down to any particular thing today!  There is just a general good feeling in my being today.  I am happy with my day.  It was a pretty lazy day.  Aside from my Client no showing this morning.  But that's ok.  I got to return home and go back to bed for a few more hours.  I am well rested.  I am feeling close to the wifey.  I am writing now.  What more could a guy ask for?
Every day we get closer to closing on the house.  Then I will be a home owner again.  Yay!  This will be my wife's first home and my first in about seven years, since the divorce.  I have a self imposed deadline for my writing.  And a hard and fast goal to go along with it.  I need to get the second draft finished this month.  I am behind, but I am confident that I can catch up.  The plan for after the second is complete is to have someone else read it and rip it to shreds.  Then I recover my ego and rewrite it one more time before mid April.  I will then have something tangible to take to the World Horror Convention in Austin the last weekend in April.  There I will hopefully find an agent to sit with and try to begin the process of getting Just Another Zombie Love Story into print for the world to read.
Right now the rest of America is gearing up to watch the Super Bowl.  I am gearing up to tackle my rough draft.  I am sitting in the Starbucks inside the Barnes & Noble at La Cantera.  I seem to do my most productive writing here.  So I am going to breeze through this post and get down to the business at hand.

The Bad

I'm in a happy place right now and nothing is really bothering me that much at the moment.

The Writing

This is being reserved for JAZLS rewrite.  I'll work on some other story ideas here soon, I promise.

Stay scared my friends,

My Little Demon


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